The nation of the Cross does not waver amid the global political and economic changes. We are unwavering, we are convinced that everything will spend on earth, all sorts of corruption, but the unshakable and unchangeable word of God, the Bible, will not pass, nor for those who believe, even for those who do not believe,
we will all live what's in it ! The nation of the Cross declares full of hope, not for what is happening, but at what will happen, the return of Christ.
But before He comes again, terrible things will happen before. we know 'cause has been written in the Bible, for those who want to know, we at the Cross nation already know, so we are not frightened or desperate, we will not fight armadamente for change, we will live each day in the chaos, glorifying God, and everything we do, whether in the city or in the countryside as teenagers or old, single or married men and women only, poor or rich, we will live in order that HE be glorified always, through us, the true citizens of the nation of the cross!
Henrique Espirito Santo